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Rummels Bucht must close

However, there was no timing at that time. But now some things get more concrete quite fast. For the operators* of Rummels Bucht had already received their notice of termination on 31 December. A development that seems to come out of nowhere. Rehearsal rooms, artists’ studios, workshops and the commercial courtyard will have to vacate their space for the Padovicz Group’s plans this year. The cultural sites and small businesses will have to give way for chic apartments, large commercial areas and the aquarium.

On the Facebook page of Rummels Bay, the spa team explains: “The development plan, which does not take into account any developments over the last 8-10 years, is taking effect. The sadness is deep, even though we knew that this day would come to us at some point. We leave this beautiful spot in Berlin with a heavy heart. But at the same time we look hopefully forward.” At the moment we are looking for a new place. Who has tips, writes best times completely fast via Facebook the Rummels bay to!